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Exchanges & Returns


You have 1 business day to notify us regarding a return and 3 business days to exchange your items.

If you would like to return or exchange your items, please take the following steps:

    •    Contact us at with your name, address, order number, and explanation of the reason for your return or exchange.
    •    The items must still be tagged, unworn, and undamaged. We might ask you to share a photo if necessary.
    •    Please note that Swimwear, Beauty products, Food, Fine Jewelry & Accessories are non-returnable due to hygiene restrictions 

    •    After approval, we will contact you with instructions for the return.
    •    You must enclose your return slip with the returned item.
    •    You will be responsible for the shipping cost as well as the duties and taxes.
    •    As we do not give refunds, we will provide you with store credit for another purchase upon receipt and acceptance of your product.

If you require any further information, please contact a member of our personal service team at

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Wrap your gift

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Wrap your gift

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Basic: Wrapping Papers & Ribbon + 85.00 SR

Standard: Box & Ribbon + 95.00 SR

Classic: Box with Paper Wrap & Ribbon + 130.00 SR

Luxury: Box with Fabric Wrap & Flowers + 135.00 SR

Kids: Blue Wrapping Sheets + 45.00 SR

Kids: Pink Wrapping Sheets + 45.00 SR

Kids: Ivory Wrapping Sheets + 45.00 SR

Add a personalized touch with a hand-written message for the lucky recipient.

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